Easter Eggers

Item1 - 56 - 2425 - 4950 - 99100+Quantity
Easter Egger Male1 - 5$2.996 - 24$0.7925 - 49$0.6950 - 99$0.59100+$0.39
Easter Egger Female1 - 5$6.996 - 24$4.9925 - 49$3.6950 - 99$3.39100+$2.99
Easter Egger Unsexed1 - 5$3.496 - 24$2.9925 - 49$2.1950 - 99$1.79100+$1.59
Easter Eggers are Ameraucanas that are all different colors. They are a popular breed known for their colorful eggs which are various shades of blue and green with the occasional brownish/pink egg. Easter Eggers have a muff and/or beard and will be a variety of colors. They are a hardy breed and excellent for the backyard flock.